Monday, April 14, 2008

Matt Yerman

San Jose designer Matt Yerman is a young, dedicated artist who has been pushing himself and his work to new levels every month. With that has come a deep and prestigious client base along with editorial exposure and magazine collaborations.

We caught up with the 21 year old designer via email to ask him a few questions about life:

What's your name and where do you currently reside?

Matt Yerman / San Jose, CA

How many years have you been designing?


Personally, from following your work, I know you work with digital art tools like Photoshop and Illustrator alot. Lately, freehand sketch work has been finding its way into your finished products. What percentage of time would you say you spend freehand drawing vs.creating on the comp during your typical work sessions?

It all really depends on the project. I'd have to say that sketching is about 30% of my work. What really consumes time is the nitty-gritty vector work. Taking a sketch and turning it into a digital illustration can take up plenty of time.

You have gotten some great media coverage lately in magazines like Beautiful Decay and on a few blogs. What avenues do you believe has brought you to the attention of these editors? Has it been more from freelance client work or from personal pieces you have published on the internet?

Both freelance and personal pieces are responsible for my coverage. I got my work into B/D through a designer friend I met on myspace. Myspace is a great social networking tool and it helped me meet and interact with designers before the creation of the Behance network.

You currently attend San Jose state, what are you studying there?

Graphic design! I haven't quite decided on a minor yet though. Maybe photography?

How have you viewed your collegiate art education so far? Has it changed how you feel about working for school vs working for a client vs working on your personal projects?

I started off college pretty bummed about all the prerequisite classes I had to take. But now that I am actually in design classes, its done nothing but help. I've learned how important conceptualism should be in your work. If your concept isn't strong, or doesn't make sense, then what you've put on the computer screen or t-shirt is visual masturbation. Have a message and relay that message strongly, so that everyone can understand.

I know from personal experience that grinding away at the computer on design work too frequently, burns me out. What influences, inspirations or motivational sources do you turn to when you feel this

Sometimes I check out design and type blogs to see other design out there. But usually I just reach into the mini fridge and grab an energy drink. Its gotten to the point where I really don't have time to feel burnt out. Too much stuff to do all the time!

You got any shout outs?

To all the Jiberish homies! You guys are awesome and have taken my design to a whole new level. Also to my awesome designer girlfriend who gives me tasty input all the time. And I guess I'll through one out to the family. My parents fork out tons of groceries to keep me well fed while I'm away from the house. Gotta eat right!