A new website called Behance.net is quickly establishing itself as a community for creative professionals. In the sprawling internet landscape social networking sites are everywhere. With MySpace being dragged down by smut cam profiles bombarding the healthy enjoyment of its online neighborhood and Facebook applications cluttering the functional simplicty of its common space sleek networking sites are a breath of fresh air whenever they pop up. Behance is precisely that. Its low impact interface and powerful formatting engine gives users the power to create beautiful and professional portfolios

Behance is currently on an invite only system for contributors which keeps the site free of mediocre content. Visitors are welcome to browse all areas of the site and use the trademark appreciation rating. The genius of Behance is that the invite only system coupled with the legitmacy of behance.com a showcase for activity on the behance.net network has created an exclusive community that the best designers and photographers want to be a part of.

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